Złote Szkoły NBP na języku angielskim.

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Foto          A history of the Polish zloty

 The zloty was introduced into active circulation on 29th April, 1924, as a result of the monetary reform carried out by the Minister of Finance Władysław Grabski, and replaced the Polish mark.

Even though the Polish zloty is „only” one hundred years old, the history of Polish money begins in the 10th century, when the Polish state was created. The National Bank of Poland preserves Polish tradition and culture and spreads the history of Polish money. As the exclusive issuer of the Polish currency, The National Bank of Poland issues collector and commemorative coins to commemorate important historic figures and anniversaries, as well as to develop the interest of the public in Polish culture, science and tradition.

How to open a account for youth?

Over the Internet:

• An account can be opened by a parent or a legal guardian.

• Prepare a document with a photo, it can be an ID card or a passport.

• Application need to be filled by a parent.

• Than order a debit card

• Finally, you need to confirm the declarations and conclusion of the contract.

At the bank's place

• Your parent or a legal guardian takes your documents to the bank's office and bank staff opens an account for you.

Zuzanna Halerz, kl. VIIa

Program Złote Szkoły NBP był również realizowany w ramach języka angielskiego. Uczniowie pod opieką pani Iwony Michny oraz pani Joanny Kilarskiej zaznajomili się z tematem A history of the Polish zloty. Piękne lapbooki przygotowały uczennice z klasy VIb – Milena Drożdż, Emilia Łuszcz, Martyna Mędrek, Zuzanna Szczypińska, Viktoria Urbanik – Faber oraz uczennice z klasy VIIa – Milena Lawera, Julia Dziadosz, Zuzanna Halerz i Patrycja Urban.
